Soal dan Jawaban Pembelajaran 2 : English For Communication

ASN PPPK 2021 - Soal dan Pembahasan Guru PPPK Bahasa Inggris di bawah ini merupakan Kumpulan Soal Riviu Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2021. Soal PPPK SKB Guru Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2021. Soal dan Jawaban Pembelajaran 2 : English For Communication Bidang Studi Bahasa Inggris Calon Guru PPPK Tahun 2021.

Soal PPPK SKB Guru Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2021. Soal dan Jawaban Pembelajaran 2 : English For Communication Bidang Studi Bahasa Inggris Calon Guru PPPK Tahun 2021

Modul belajar mandiri ini memberikan pengamalan belajar bagi calon guru PPPK dalam memahami teori dan konsep pembelajaran tentang Bahasa Inggris. Unduh Soal PPPK SKB Bahasa Inggris

Komponen-komponen di dalam modul belajar mandiri ini dikembangkan dengan tujuan agar calon guru PPPK dapat dengan mudah memahami materi esensial terkait english for public information, english for commucation, english for entertainment, english for practical use, english for academic context , sekaligus meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi.

Pembelajaran 2 : English For Communication

1. I have a new cat, its name is Shorty. I call it Shorty because it is short than the other cats. My cat is a Persian cat with flat nose and fluffy hair. It has sharp, yellow eyes that glow in the dark. Shorty likes to run around the house, chasing any moving things. I like to see Shorty sleeping because it looks cute. Shorty does not like to eat canned food, instead it prefers fresh tuna.

Which breed is Shorty?
a. Egypt
b. Persian
c. Angora
d. Half-breed
The correct answer is: Persian

2. Indonesia or commonly known as Republic of Indonesia is one of South East Asia countries. Located between Pacific and Indian Ocean, it makes Indonesia the world’s largest archipelago country. Also called as Nusantara, this country  has more than 17,000 islands. Having more than 261 million people, Indonesia becomes 4th most populous country in the world. Indonesia has more ethnics, languages and culture than other countries. Data showed that Indonesia has several ethnic groups including Javanese, Sundanese, and other with more than700 recognized regional language.

The word “located” can be best replaced by .....
a. Situated
b. Happened
c. Allocated
d. Surrounded
The correct answer is: Surrounded

3. Snakes are reptiles (cold-blooded creatures). They belong to the same group as lizards (the scaled group, Squamata) but from a sub-group of their own (Serpentes).

Snakes have two legs but a long time ago they had claws to help them slither along. Snakes are not slimy. They are covered in scales which are just bumps on the skin. Their skin is hard and glossy to reduce friction as the snake slithers along the ground. Snakes often sun bathe on rocks in the warm weather. This is because snakes  are cold-blooded; they need the sun’s warmth to heat their bodies up.

Most snakes live in the country. Some types of snakes live in tress, some live in water, but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit burrows, in thick, long grass and in old logs. A snake’s diet usually consists of frogs, lizard, and mice and other snakes. The Anaconda can eat small crocodiles and even bears. Many snakes protect themselves with their fangs. Some snakes are protected by scaring their enemies away like the Cobra. The flying snakes glide away from danger. Their ribs spread apart and the skin stretches out. Its technique is just like the sugar gliders.


How do flying snakes protect themselves?

a. They eat the other animals.
b. They use their fangs they scare their enemies.
c. They fly away
d. They stretch out their skin
The correct answer is: They fly away

4. Losari beach is a beautiful beach and located on the edge city of Makassar. It is located only about 3 km from the center of Makassar (Karebosi Park). The beach used to be the longest cafĂ© in Asia, because many cafes stand in along the beach, but now the cafes are collected in a special place so it does not spread along the coast. Charm of the beach is mainly seen in the evening when the sunset stands out. This is a major attraction of people’s coming to the Losari beach. Every evening hundreds of people come to witness the panorama of red as the sun will disappear into the ocean, so do not miss the sunset at the Losari beach. If the sky is sunny, the scenery is absolutely perfect. Because of its location in a bay, the water of Losari is even often quiet as usual pool water.

Losari is its waterfront of Makassar. The lengthy of the beach is approximately one kilometer and it is a public space that can be accessed by anyonE. On this beach there is a park called the Pelataran Bahari (Marine Park), with semicircular area of nearly one hectarE. This place is a plaza with a clean floor for children to play and running around, while parents and teens sit on concrete benches to enjoy the sea breezE. From this place, you are also free to view out to the sea and watch the sunset slowly turns reddish in the line of the horizon. The reflected light also creates sheen on the surface of sea water.

The Pelataran Bahari also serves as the stadium of open water to watch the coastal waters in front of Losari beach. This coastal water is often used as a racecourse jet ski, boat races and traditional boat jolloro katinting, or become a transit point of rely of Sandeq traditional sailboats and yachts. In Losari there are also a few hotels. Some of them qualified as a tree stars hotel. The hotel is offering panoramic beauty of the sea with luxury service treats. There are Losari Beach Hotel, Losari Beach Inn, Makassar Golden Hotel, and Pantai Gapura Hotel. All of the hotels located in Jalan Penghibur.


How many hotels does the writer mention?
a. Two hotels
b. Four hotels
c. Five hotels
d. Three hotels
The correct answer is: Four hotels

5. Rose is plant with enchanting flowers from genus Rosa which has more than 100 species. This woody perennial plant grows in groups, allowing them to form climbing shrubs with prickles. Rose has various flowers in shape and sizes, making it one among popular flowering plants found in a house.

Most rose species are native to Asia, but some others are native to North America and Europe. It is typically grown for beauty and fragrant. Some species are used for commercial perfumery while some others are cut for ornamental flowers. In addition, rose also has minor medicinal uses.


It is typically grown.... (paragraph 2). The word “It” refers to .....
a. Asia
b. Commercial perfumery
c. Rose species
d. Beauty
The correct answer is: Rose species

6. Snakes are reptiles (cold-blooded creatures). They belong to the same group as lizards (the scaled group, Squamata) but from a sub-group of their own (Serpentes).

Snakes have two legs but a long time ago they had claws to help them slither along. Snakes are not slimy. They are covered in scales which are just bumps on the skin. Their skin is hard and glossy to reduce friction as the snake slithers along the ground. Snakes often sun bathe on rocks in the warm weather. This is because snakes  are cold-blooded; they need the sun’s warmth to heat their bodies up.

Most snakes live in the country. Some types of snakes live in tress, some live in water, but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit burrows, in thick, long grass and in old logs. A snake’s diet usually consists of frogs, lizard, and mice and other snakes. The Anaconda can eat small crocodiles and even bears. Many snakes protect themselves with their fangs. Some snakes are protected by scaring their enemies away like the Cobra. The flying snakes glide away from danger. Their ribs spread apart and the skin stretches out. Its technique is just like the sugar gliders.


Some types of snakes live in tress, some live in water, but most live on the
ground in deserted rabbit burrows,…(paragraph 4).The word “burrows “
has the similar meaning with…
a. Culture
b. Cultivate
c. Plough
d. Dig
The correct answer is: Dig

7. Indonesia or commonly known as Republic of Indonesia is one of South East Asia countries. Located between Pacific and Indian Ocean, it makes Indonesia the world’s largest archipelago country. Also called as Nusantara, this country  has more than 17,000 islands. Having more than 261 million people, Indonesia becomes 4th most populous country in the world. Indonesia has more ethnics, languages and culture than other countries. Data showed that Indonesia has several ethnic groups including Javanese, Sundanese, and other with more than700 recognized regional language.


What makes Indonesia one of most populous countries in the world?
a. Indonesia has more than 17.000 islands
b. Indonesia is rich
c. Indonesia has more than 261 million people
d. It is located in South East Asia
The correct answer is: Indonesia has more than 261 million people