Soal PPG Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2021

Soal PPG Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Pembahasan. Soal PPG Bahasa Inggris yang dikembangkan ini mengacu pada kisi-kisi Uji Pengetahuan (UP) yang telah dikembangkan oleh tim penyusun soal UP pusat. Selain itu, bahan pengayaan dan remediasi yang dikembangkan ini mencakup soal-soal yang berasal dari soal UP tahun-tahun yang lalu, kunci dan pembahasannya. Untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris soal materi kompetensi pedagogi juga dalam bahasa Inggris.

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Soal Kompetensi Profesional, GRAMMAR AND WRITING

Join the Jakarta Post’s English (1) … Workshop for Professionals
Writing in English has become an essential everyday task for business executives and (2) ...., whether it is sending out e-mails and offi ce memos, or preparing reports.

Unfortunately, examples of poor or ineff ective writing are all around. Don’t let the intimidation factor of writing in English stop you (3) ... the important means of communication in today’s workplace. Learn the skills to develop writing skills and the habit of writing in English with the Jakarta Post’s special workshop Using Writing for Eff ective Communication.

Indikator 2.1 Melengkapi rumpang pada teks pendek dengan frasa yang sesuai.
Questions 1 to 3, choose one best answer to complete the text.

Soal 1
A. Write
B. Writer
C. Writing
D. Written
E. Wrote
Kunci jawaban: C (Writing)

Untuk menjawab soal nomor 1, berikut adalah cara menjawabnya:
Perhatikan bahwa soal dalam teks tersebut termasuk Noun Phrase, kata yang dibutuhkan adalah Noun. Dalam teks tersurat frasa/ noun phrase yaitu Jakarta Post’s English dan selanjutnya harus parallel dengan Noun phrase. Maka jawabannya C. Writing.

Indikator 2.2 Melengkapi rumpang pada teks pendek dengan klausa yang sesuai
Soal 2.
A. other professions
B. other professionals
C. other profession
D. another profession
E. another professional
Kunci Jawaban: B (other professionals)

Untuk menjawab soal nomor 2, berikut adalah cara menjawabnya:
Terlihat di konteks kalimat dalam teks, dan lihat perbedaan other dan another. Pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah B. other professionals.

Indikator 2.3 Mensubstitusi kata dalam ungkapan tulis dengan kata yang bersinonim
Soal 3
A. develop
B. developing
C. to develop
D. developed
E. from developing
Kunci Jawaban adalah E. (from developing)

Untuk menjawab soal nomor 3, berikut adalah cara menjawabnya:
Harus melihat konteks teks dengan seksama, dan tertulis frasa business executive dan mengetahui tentang clause dengan to dan from. Maka pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E. from developing

Soal 4
In the realm of human interaction informatics there are few things as important as an
understanding of natural language processing (NLP). After all, data is meaningless without
analysis and context. We need to be able to interpret the information for it to be useful.

The underlined part for it to be useful in the passage may be best rephrased as….
A. because it is worthwhile
B. as it provides messages
C. to be considered vital
D. to make it functional
E. since it is valuable
Kunci Jawaban: A. (because it is worthwhile)

Untuk menjawab soal nomor 4, berikut adalah cara menjawabnya:
Membaca dengan cepat dan seksama teks yang tersedia. Menemukan Frase for it to be useful dalam konteks soal di atas lebih dekat maknanya dengan opsi A. because it is worthwhile. Kata sambung For bias juga berarti bermakna because.

Soal 5
The KWL strategy is fi rst taught to students by introducing and explaining the strategy to each of the student groups. The teacher starts off by making three columns on the chalkboard and indicating the three parts by putting a K in the fi rst column, a W in the second column, and an L in the third column. The teacher then selects a topic and the students will describe what they already know about that topic and the teacher will place it in the K column. An example is: given the topic of outer space, the students are to describe orally to the teacher any background information that they may have.

The underlined part what they already know in the passage may be best rephrased as….
A. their mastery
B. their performance
C. their understanding
D. their competence
E. their prior knowledge
Kunci Jawaban: E. (their knowledge)

Untuk menjawab soal nomor 55, berikut adalah cara menjawabnya:
Menemukan kata kunci , kemudian Frasa what they already know mempunyai arti semakna dengan their knowledge. Sehingga jawaban yang benar adalah E. their prior knowledge.

Soal 6
Assessments as learning activities is a good idea. It can motivate students’ learning, the increase some interactions between students and teacher, and make learning interesting. But, the purpose of doing so isn’t for assessment only, but for the cultivation of literacy. All in all, we just need to keep one thing in mind – (3) assessment as activities should not keep students away from learning - they felt hard then stopped, or classify a group of students with diff erent identities, then higher ranked students will look down upon some lower ranked.

The underlined part assessment as activities should not keep students away from learning
in the passage may be best rephrased as ….
A. the importance of assessment is to integrate students with their learning
B. it is vital for assessment practices not to detach students from learning
C. in assessment activities, students should remain involved in their learning
D. incorporating students in learning activities is indeed vital in assessment
E. students should be kept engaged in learning during the assessment process
Kunci Jawaban: B. (it is vital for assessment practices not to detach students from learning.

Untuk menjawab soal nomor 54, berikut adalah cara menjawabnya:
Mengetahui kata kunci dalam soal dan teks, yaitu part of assessment as activities, da nada
keep away from learning in the passage. Dalam soal diminta untuk rephrase/ mengungkapkan kembali.. Di pilihan jawaban soal diatas, Kata kunci adalah detach yang artinya sama dengan keep
away dalam kalimat soalnya. Sehingga jawaban yang benar adalah B. it is vital for assessment practices not to detach
students from learning.

Soal 7
There are about eleven cycles in the research design, … may be adapted to be specifi cally used in your prototype product as a model of educational product development.
A. in three cycles which
B. three cycles from which
C. at which three cycles
D. by three cycles which
E. three cycles of which
Kunci jawaban: B. (three cycles from which)

Untuk menjawab soal nomor 7, berikut adalah cara menjawabnya:
Memahami struktur kalimat soal eleven cylces in the research design… may be adapted. Preposisi di depan which adalah preposisi kata kerja yang terdapat pada anak kalimat dan biasanya berhubungan dengan kata kerja yang bersangkutan dengan objek yang diikut. Sehingga jawaban yang benar adalah B. three cycles from which

Soal 8
The meaning that best expresses these two sentences: ‘The car is from Ireland’ and ‘The driver is a young man‘ is….
A. The car which driver is a young man is from Ireland
B. The car which driver is young man from Ireland
C. The young man is from Ireland which has the car
D. The young man has a car from Ireland
E. The young man from Ireland has the car
Kunci Jawaban: A. (The car which driver is a young man is from Ireland)

Untuk menjawab soal nomor 8, berikut adalah cara menjawabnya:
Menemukan kata kunci the meaning that best expresses…. Melihat pilihan jawaban, penggunaan Which untuk relative pronoun dan susunannya dalam kalimat. Which digunakan untuk menerangkan frasa benda. Jawaban yang paling tepat dari kalimat dengan relative pronouns di atas adalah A. The car which driver is a young man is from Ireland

Soal 9
Listen students. You should start to do the homework as soon as possible. You will have submitted your homework ....
A. This time next week.
B. This coming week.
C. By this time next week.
D. Tomorrow. When I arrive later
E. The day after tomorrow
Kunci Jawaban: C. (tomorrow, when I arrive later)

Untuk menjawab soal nomor 9, berikut adalah cara menjawabnya:
Melihak konteks kalimat soal, kemudian mengetahui keterangan waktu yang tepat untuk future perfect sesuai dengan soal You will have submitted…. Sehingga jawaban yang benar adalah C. by this time next week.

Soal 10
The meaning that best expresses this: “The brochure arrived late. As a consequence,
students could not join the conference” is….
A. The students could not have joined the conference if the brochure had arrived late
B. The students could have joined the conference if the brochure did not arrive late
C. The students could have joined the conference if the brochure had not arrived late
D. The students could not join the conference if the brochure did not arrive late
E. The students could join the conference if the brochure had not arrived late
Kunci Jawaban: C. (The students could have joined the conference if the brochure had not
arrived late)

Untuk menjawab soal nomor 10, berikut adalah cara menjawabnya:
Melihat konteks soal yaitu kalimat pengandaian, “The brochure arrived late. As a consequence, students could not join the conference”. Situasinya adalah mahasiswa tidak bisa ikut konferensi karena brosur datang terlambat. Pengandaiannya: Mahasiswa bisa ikut konferensi jika saja brosur tidak datang terlambat. Pengandaiannya di waktu lampau: if the brochure had not arrived late. Sehingga jawaban yang ebnar adalah C the students could have joined the conference if the
brochure had not arrived late.

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